Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition

Other Break Points

Break points are where the automatic line conversion stops or pauses for a decision. In addition to nodes, which are managed by the operator, there are two kinds of break points which belong to the raster image and are not managed by the operator:

  • Raster Intersection Points are where three or more raster lines intersect.

  • Raster End Points are the ends of raster lines, or where the automatic line conversion algorithm cannot go further on a raster line.

The results of the Vectorize functions with Raster Intersection Points and Raster End Points are:

  • When a Raster Intersection Point or a Raster End Point is hit, all automatic line conversion functions stop or pause for a decision (automatic or from the operator). The automatic line conversion functions are: Auto Convert in Place Element or Continue Element, Convert Lines, Convert All Connected Lines, and Convert Contour Lines.

  • When two vector lines generated by automatic line conversion hit the same Raster Intersection Point, they have exactly the same end point.

  • When a function is going to hit either a Raster Intersection Point or a Raster End Point inside of the control area of a node, the node always wins and its rules apply.